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开云体育app_做“一带一路”能源使者 打造中国特色的国际能源平台

发布者: 开云体育app (中国)官方网站发布时间:2022-10-24

本文摘要:中国报道讯(李传军报道)2014 年 6 月 13 日,习近平总书记在中央财经向导小组第六次集会上明确提出了关于国家能源宁静生长的“四个革命、一个互助”战略思想。

中国报道讯(李传军报道)2014 年 6 月 13 日,习近平总书记在中央财经向导小组第六次集会上明确提出了关于国家能源宁静生长的“四个革命、一个互助”战略思想。On 13 Jun 2014, President Xu, Jingpin clearly announced at the sixth conference of The Leading Group for Financial and Economic Affairs, Central Committee of the CPC, the highest decision making authority of Finance and Economics Affairs in China, the major strategic theory of "Four Revolutions and One Cooperation" on how the development of national energy security shall move forward.中国能源需求的压力庞大,陪同着世界能源转型的大趋势,中国作为能源大国和卖力任大国,也肩负着推动技术创新、促进地域能源转型、实现可连续生长的重任。建立6年来,地处中国(辽宁)自由商业试验区焦点区域的大连环渤海能源生意业务中心深入贯彻“四个革命、一个互助”的要求,在国际原油全球化历程中奏响中国音符,闯出了一条新路。

The China's energy demand is huge, compared with the general trend of the world level energy transformation platform. China, as a major energy consuming and responsible country, also carry on the missions of promoting technological innovations, promoting regional energy transformations and realizing sustainable developments. Since it has been established six years ago, the Dalian Huanbohai Energy Trading Center (Dalian HETC), which is located in the core area of Northeast China (Liaoning) and the pioneer of the Free Trade Zone, has completely implemented the requirements of major theory of "Four Revolutions and One Cooperation", had played a very important Chinese role in the process of crude oil globalization and built a new way.2019年3月4日,中国大连环渤海能源生意业务中心董事长朱世亮应石油输出国组织邀请,与秘书长巴尔金都在奥地利维也纳总部举行商务互助洽谈。On March 4, 2019, Mr. Zhu, Shiliang, Chairman of China Huanbohai Energy Trading Center, been invited and held business cooperation meeting with Secretary General H.E. Mohammad Sanusi Barkindo at the headquarters of Vienna, Austria, at Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries.国际市场声名鹊起 International Marketing Reputation Rising2014 年 6 月,中国首家集石油、石化等大宗商品现货生意业务、仓储物流、供应链金融于一体的现代化、国际化平台企业——大连环渤海能源生意业务中心在大连保税区建立。In June 2014, first Chinese modern and international platform enterprise, Dalian Huanbaohai Energy Trading Center, was established in Dalian Tax Free Trading Zone, integrating spot trading, warehousing, logistics and supply chain and finance of global commodities such as oil and petrochemicals.“海纳百川,创新实干” 是大连环渤海能源生意业务中心的真实写照,从建立的悄无声息,到如今在国际能源市场声名鹊起。大连环渤海能源生意业务中心已在北京、上海、沈阳、青岛、秦皇岛等海内大中都会和美国、俄罗斯、阿塞拜疆、加拿大、尼日利亚、哥伦比亚等27个国家设立分支机构,与石油输出国组织及世界前 50 名石油公司的 34 家建设了业务联系,并在迪拜、阿布扎比、新加坡、英国、瑞士、西班牙、葡萄牙、圣多美和普林西比等八国设立多币种结算中心。


业务规模涵盖海内国际原油、燃料油、制品油、液化天然气、液化石油气、沥青等大宗能源现货市场生意业务,现已生长会员企业300多家,累计生意业务量6000余万吨,实现石油、天然气累计生意业务额约 3000 亿美元。"Embracing all rivers, innovating and doing practical work" is the true portrayal of the Huanbohai Energy Trading Center, which has been established simple and quiet and is now very famous in the international energy market. Dalian Huanbaohai Energy Trading Center has set up branches in Beijing, Shanghai, Shenyang, Qingdao, Qinhuangdao and other domestic large and medium-sized cities, as well as 27 different countries such as the United States, Russia, Azerbaijan, Canada, Nigeria, Colombia, and working with 34 of the top 50 oil companies in the world. The company has established business contacts and established multi-currency settlement centers in eight countries such as Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Singapore, the United Kingdom, Switzerland, Spain, Portugal, Sao Tome and Principe. The business covers domestic and international spot market transactions of energy resources such as crude oil, fuel oil, refined oil, liquefied natural gas, liquefied petroleum gas, asphalt, etc. more than 300 enterprise members have joined forces, with an accumulated trading volume of more than 60 million tons, and the accumulated trading volume of oil and natural gas is about US$300 billion.恒久以来,纽约的WTI指数和伦敦的布伦特指数是国际原油市场最具影响力的价钱指数,西方国家以此利用国际原油价钱。


2019年头,大连环渤海能源生意业务中心宣布了环渤海能源生意业务价钱指数后,石油输出国组织秘书长巴尔金都表现,他很兴奋中国企业可以公布自己的价钱指数,石油输出国组织的成员国乐于看到中国在国际原油市场发出自己的声音,中国拥有庞大的市场,理应获得话语权,这也有利于稳定全球原油价钱。随后巴尔金都亲自邀请大连环渤海能源生意业务中心相关卖力人赴其总部到场高级别集会,探讨多币种结算等问题。For a long period of time, WTI index in New York and Brent index in London have been the most influential price indexes in the international crude oil markets, with most of Western countries managing the international crude oil prices. At the beginning of the 2019, after the Huanbohai Energy Trading Center announced the Huanbohai Energy Trading Price Index, H.E. Mohammad Sanusi Barkindo, Secretary General of the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC), said that he was very glad that Chinese enterprises could publish their own price index. OPEC member states are happy to hear Chinese voice in the international crude oil market. China has a huge market and should have the right to voice. This is also conducive to stabilizing global crude oil prices. Later on, H.E. Mohammad Sanusi Barkindo personally invited the relevant principals of Huanbohai Energy Trading Center to attend a high-level meeting at its headquarters to discuss issues such as muti-currency trading settlement model.2019年3月4日,应石油输出国组织邀请,大连环渤海能源生意业务中心董事长朱世亮与石油输出国组织秘书长巴尔金都在奥地利维也纳总部举行商务互助洽谈,这是中国能源民营企业首次应邀与石油输出国组织对接开展商业互助运动,对提升中国国际能源商业话语权和影响力发生了努力的推行动用。

On March 4, 2019, Mr. Zhu, Shiliang, Chairman of Dalian Huanbohai Energy Trading Centerthe has been invited by Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries(OPEC), held business cooperation meeting with Secretary General H.E. Mohammad Sanusi Barkindo at the headquarters in Vienna, Austria. This is the first time that Chinese energy private enterprises have been invited to cooperate with OPEC to carry out trade cooperation activities, which will enhance and promote the value and influence of Chinese international energy trade and the impact in positive way.朱世亮董事长在洽谈中向巴尔金都秘书长先容了作为中国海内首家集大宗能源现货商品生意业务、供应链金融于一体的大连环渤海能源生意业务中心,为海内外数以千计的能源产销会员企业提供专业化、市场化的高效优质服务,已逐步成为海内外业界广泛认可的国际化能源生意业务平台。During the meeting, Chairman Mr. Zhu Shiliang introduced to Secretary General H.E. Mohammad Sanusi Barkindo that as the first large enterprise of its kind in China, Huanbohai Energy Trading Center, which integrates bulk energy spot commodity trading and financial supply chain, it provides professional, market-oriented, efficient and high-quality services for thousands of energy production and marketing member enterprises at domestic and overseas, and has gradually become a globally recognized international energy industry trading platform.为贯彻落实“宁静互助、开放包容、互学互鉴、互利共赢”的丝绸之路精神,大连环渤海能源生意业务中心站在世界能源生长新趋势和供需格式新变化的视角,统筹国际海内资源和市场,制定了国际能源全球化结构战略,开启了国际能源新革命的努力探索。In order to implement the Silk Road spirit of "peaceful cooperation, openness and tolerances, mutual learning, mutual benefit and win-win", Dalian Huanbohai Energy Trading Center, from the perspective of the new trend of world energy development and the new change of supply and demand pattern, has coordinated international and domestic resources and markets, formulated the International Energy globalization layout strategy, and initiated the activities of exploration of the new international energy revolution.向导合影乘着第二届“一带一路”国际互助岑岭论坛取得各国广泛共识的东风,2019年7月7日,阿布扎比酋长国亲王、宾·扎耶德团体董事局主席哈列德·宾·扎耶德·阿尔·那显安左右及BZG团体首席执行官吴艾伦先生专程到访大连环渤海能源生意业务中心,与朱世亮董事上进行了友好谈判并签署了互助备忘录,承袭共商共建共享原则,双方重点就能源、地产、金融等领域开展全方位的精密互助以及详细开展互助的项目和互助模式举行了探讨,双方一致同意建设全面互助同伴关系,建立团结机制,并迅速开展各方事情。Accompanying second “One Belt, One Road” International Cooperation Forum, the broad consensus of all countries was obtained. In July 7, 2019, UAE Sheikh Khaled Bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Chairman of BIN ZAYED GROUP (BZG) and Mr. Wu Allen, Chief Executive Officer of BZG Asia Investment LLC, visited Huanbohai Energy Trading Center, and held a meeting with Chairman Zhu Shiliang. The both sides had a good meeting and signed a memorandum of understanding. Adhering to the principle of joint venture and sharing structure, the both sides focused on all aspects of cooperation in energy, real estate, finance and other fields, as well as specific cooperation projects and cooperation models. The both parties agreed to establish a comprehensive partnership, establish a joint mechanism, and rapidly carry out the work of all parties.2019年9月,大连环渤海能源生意业务中心应邀前往俄罗斯圣彼得堡国际商品资源生意业务所举行谈判,建设中俄能源生意业务运营创新体系。

In September 2019, Dalian Huanbohai Energy Trading Center was invited to hold a meeting at the international commodity resources trading in St. Petersburg, Russia, to establish an innovative energy trading operation system between China and Russia.集会现场2020年2月,大连环渤海能源生意业务中心与沙特阿拉伯王国萨勒曼本·雅吉德·本·萨德·本·阿·奥-萨德王子殿下及他的照料团队,富吉拉国家银行大股东兼执行董事,黑金西联团体主席及在阿联酋拥有38 家团体公司的阿·古德团体总裁兼CEO阿卜杜拉·阿·古德先生就中东能源产物在世界销售建设团结生意业务机制举行集会并告竣一致意见,乐成签署了战略互助协议,组建团结生意业务平台。In February 2020, the Dalian Huanbohai Energy Trading Center, His Royal Highness Salman Bin Yazid Bin Saud Bin A. Al-Saud from Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and his advisory team, the major shareholder and Executive director of the National Bank of Fujairah, the chairman of the Black Gold West Group and the owner of 38 companies in the United Arab Emirates Abdullah Al Gurg, President and CEO of Al Gurg group of companies, held a meeting and signed an agreement on the establishment of a joint trading mechanism for the world sales of energy products in the Middle East, and successfully signed a strategic cooperation agreement and set up a joint trading platform.2020年3月,为落实上合组织国际圆桌集会共识,在江苏连云港市委市政府鼎力大举支持下,大连环渤海能源生意业务中心组建欧亚大陆国际能源生意业务市场治理(江苏)有限公司。In March 2020, in order to implement the consensus of (SCO) International Round Table Meeting, with the strong support of Lianyungang Municipal Committee Party and Municipal government, Dalian Huanbohai Energy Trading Center established Eurasia international energy trading market management (JiangSu) Co., Ltd这些仅是大连环渤海能源生意业务中心在全球市场开疆扩土的部门缩影,是他们提出世界能源全球化结构战略后取得的标志性结果,也是大连环渤海能源生意业务中心努力贯彻落实“宁静互助、开放包容、互学互鉴、互利共赢”的丝绸之路精神,通过生意业务中心平台实现商业流通、资金融通、民心相通和利益配合体、责任配合体的详细举措,开启了大连环渤海能源生意业务中心在国际海内更好更快生长的新时代。


These are highlights of recent developments of Dalian Huanbohai Energy Trading Center in the global market. They are the landmark achievements after they put forward the global energy distribution strategy. They are also the Silk Road spirit of "peaceful cooperation, openness and tolerances, mutual learning, mutual benefit and win-win" that Dalian Huanbohai Energy Trading Center actively implements and realizes trade through the trading center platform of the concrete measures of unblocking, financing, face to face, interest community and responsibility community have opened a new era of better and faster development of Dalian Huanbohai Energy Trading Center at domestic and overseas.集会现场2020年2月27日,大连环渤海能源生意业务中心代表与互助方在迪拜洽谈,双方就中东能源产物在中国销售建设团结的生意业务机制签署战略互助协议。On February 27, 2020, representatives of Dalian Huanbohai Energy trading Center and their partners held meeting in Dubai. The both parties signed a strategic cooperation agreement on establishing a Joint trading mechanism for the sale of Middle East energy products in China.中国特色自主创新Independent Innovation with Chinese Characteristics党的十八大作出了实施创新驱动生长战略的重大部署,提出要坚持走中国特色自主创新门路,以全球视野谋划和推动创新。大连环渤海能源生意业务中心站在世界能源生长新趋势和供需格式新变化的视角,统筹国际海内资源和市场,提出国际能源全球化结构和整体构建原油生态的精准定位,并举行了乐成的创新探索。

The 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China has made a major deployment to implement the innovation driven development strategy, and proposed to adhere to the path of independent innovation with Chinese characteristics and plan and promote innovation with a global perspective. From the perspective of the new trend of world energy development and the new change of supply and demand pattern, Dalian Huanbohai Energy Trading Center co ordinates international and domestic resources and markets, puts forward the precise positioning of the global layout of international energy and the overall structure of crude oil ecology, and makes a successful innovation exploration.以国家“一带一路”倡议为引领,大连环渤海能源生意业务中心依托海内得天独厚的区位优势和自贸区、保税区的双重政策优势,通过运用互联网、物联网技术、金融创新和人民币结算以及广泛全球的仓储物流配送体系,自主建立了一整套先进的线上现货生意业务系统,为海内外会员企业提供现货挂牌生意业务、条约治理、交收治理、在线支付、在线融资、仓储物流、共享大数据资讯等八大类“一站式”专业化的高效优质服务,已成为海内外业界广泛认可的国际化能源生意业务平台。Guided by “One Belt, One Road” Initiative, richly endowed by nature, Huanbohai Energy Trading Center, relying on its unique geographical advantages and the dual policy advantages of Free Trade Zones and Bonded Zones, has independently created an integrated online spot trading system by using the Internet, Internet of cargo, financial innovation and RMB payment and warehousing and distribution system around the world. Member of enterprises at domestic and overseas provide eight kinds of "one-stop" specialized and high-quality services, such as spot listing, contract management, payment management, online payment, online financing, warehousing and logistics, and sharing big data information, which has become a widely recognized international energy trading platform in the industry at domestic and overseas.在 2016 年中国生长网主办的首届中国新常态经济生长高层论坛暨 2015“生长中国年度人物”盛典上,大连环渤海能源生意业务中心获得了中国新常态经济生长高层论坛发表的商业模式创新金钻奖。大连环渤海能源生意业务中心从全国的能源生意业务中心中脱颖而出,是因为其依托大连的东北亚地缘优势,独创了互联+电子商务+智慧能源+金融创新+高效的全方位物流以及全新的阳光生意业务模式。在论坛上,大连环渤海能源生意业务中心董事长朱世亮提出,应在大连逐步推动原油生意业务从现货生意业务向期货生意业务生长,实现“期现联动”,并最终为东北亚实现国际原油人民币生意业务结算方式提供话语权。

At the first China new normal high level economic development forum and 2015 "People of the year of Developing China" hosted by China Development Network in 2016, Dalian Huanbohai Energy Trading Center won the Golden Diamond Award for business model innovation issued by China new normal high level economic development forum. Dalian Dalian Huanbohai Energy Trading Center become very famous from the national energy trading center because it has created the Internet + e-commerce + smart energy + financial innovation + efficient all-round logistics and a new sunshine trading mode relying on Dalian's geographical advantages in Northeast Asia. At the forum, Mr. Zhu Shiliang, Chairman of Dalian Dalian Huanbohai Energy Trading Center, proposed that the development of crude oil trading from spot trading to futures trading should be gradually promoted in Dalian, so as to realize "Time cash and Future linkage", and finally provide a big value for Northeast Asia to realize the payment model of international crude oil RMB trading settlement mode.2016年8月,大连环渤海能源生意业务中心与联彩石油有限公司配合组建石油生意业务板块,形成了以环渤海为指挥中心,上海、青岛和秦皇岛生意业务中心为三个副中心的格式。In August 2016, Dalian Huanbohai Energy Trading Center and Liancai Oil Co., Ltd. jointly set up the oil trading sector, forming a pattern with Huanbohai as the command center and Shanghai, Qingdao and Qinhuangdao trading centers as the three sub centers2018年3月,湛江市政府、中石油湛江仓储分公司以及大连环渤海能源生意业务中心三方就配合组建环北部湾能源生意业务中心举行了深入交流。

建立后的环北部湾能源生意业务中心将会和湛江港、中石油湛江仓储分公司等单元精密互助,富厚线上和线下能源商品的生意业务模式,预计将每年近千亿元的能源生意业务额落户湛江市,为湛江市经济生长带来庞大的孝敬。In March 2018, Zhanjiang Municipal government, Petro China Zhanjiang storage branch and Dalian Huanbohai Energy Trading Center held in-depth exchanges on jointly establishing the Huanbeibu Energy Trading Center. After its establishment, the huanbeibu Energy Trading Center will work together with Zhanjiang port, Petro China Zhanjiang storage branch and other units to enrich the online and offline energy commodity trading mode, and it is expected that nearly 100 billion yuan of energy trading volume will be settled in Zhanjiang City every year, bringing great contribution to the economic development of Zhanjiang City.风来潮起,自当扬帆破浪;任重道远,更需策马加鞭。


大连环渤海能源生意业务中心董事长朱世亮表现,该中心将站在国际能源的全球高度,继续主动革新、锐意进取,继续不忘初心、匠心躬耕,秉持诚信、规范、融合、共赢的互助生长理念,通过国际化生意业务平台的对接服务,努力跻身世界级现货能源生意业务中心行列,做新时代丝绸之路的使者,打造中国特色的具有世界影响力的国际能源平台,为争取我国在国际能源生意业务市场的话语权和完善形成基于中国市场因素的能源产物订价机制提供平台,为促进差别文明之间的能源互助,拓展国际能源生意业务互联互通的开放新格式做出孝敬。When the wind comes, we should sail and break the waves. We have a long way to go, but we need to whip up our horses to move faster. Mr. Zhu Shiliang, Chairman of Dalian Huanbohai Energy Trading Center, said that the center will stand at the global level of international energy, continue to take the initiative in innovation and forge ahead, continue to work with original intention and ingenuity, adhere to the cooperative development concept of integrity, standardization, integration and win-win, and strive to become one of the global-level spot energy trading centers through the docking service of international trading platform, to make new achievements the emissary of the “Silk Road” of the times, to build an international energy platform with Chinese characteristics and global influence, to provide a platform for striving for Chinese value in the international energy trading market and improving the pricing mechanism of energy products based on Chinese market factors, to contribute the promoting energy cooperation among different civilizations and expanding the new open pattern of international energy trading interconnection.责任编辑:李传军。


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